200 Roses Bouquet

Flowers Type

Flower Basket

Flowers Name


Flower Count

180-200 Roses

Box Type

Flower Box

Box Size

14 inches

SKU: 15305-689 Categories: , Event: , Dominant Color RedGift For Her

Discover the Elegance of the 200 Roses Bouquet

Our 200 Roses Bouquet sets the bar for floral luxury, fitting for the biggest occasions. Artfully placed in a white classic flower box, up to 200 immaculate red roses make an opulent statement with each and every one of them.

Flowers In A Box: Design and Customization

The Bouquet Of 200 Roses comes in sizes: small at 60-70 roses, medium at 90-100 roses, and large at 180-200 roses to fit your event. The brilliant red roses are contained in a 14-inch flower box and contrast with the snowy white in a most stylish way, making an impression unforgettable.

Colors and Personalization

You can choose either our dominant red roses or change color to fit the theme of your event. Our flower boxes are also available in different sizes to increase customization, making every occasion uniquely special.

Miami’s Premier Floral Decor

Serving the entire Miami area, from Sunny Isles to Wynwood, Miami Party Decor is your go-to when looking for such floral arrangements that will help turn any celebration into a momentous occasion.

What to Expect When You Order Our Bouquets:

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